Script File

Brand file – A script file capable of implementing the steps required to build a program or automate a sequence of required operations typically controlled by the IDE

From: Rapid Organization Prototyping with FPGAs , 2006


Alexandre M. Bayen , Timmy Siauw , in An Introduction to MATLAB® Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2015

3.6 Script Files

A script file is an m-file that contains a sequence of instructions but is not a role. Dissimilar a function, a script file shares its workspace with the current directory. A script file is created by writing lines of code just as you lot would at the command prompt. A script file is run when you press the run button

in the top toolbar. When the script file is run, MATLAB executes the instructions in gild as if you lot typed them into the command prompt one at a fourth dimension.

Endeavour It!

Write a script file that computes properties of a cylinder for a given radius and height.

If you had a new cylinder, you could change r and h and rerun the script file to compute the new properties.


Script files share their workspace with the current directory, and so exist careful that variables assigned in the script file are not overwriting other variables with the same name.


Always have a clc, clear all, and close all at the first of every script file. This is because the script shares the workspace with the current directory, and it is good practice to brand sure that your script file is non using variables from old MATLAB sessions.

It is natural to wonder when a script file is more than appropriate than a office or vice versa. Functions are well-nigh useful when a job needs to be done many times. Script files are useful when you need to perform a sequence of instructions but a few times in a highly context-specific situation. Some examples might be producing a complicated plot or trying something new to see if it is worth writing a role for it.

You lot tin can organize code in script files into cells (not to exist confused with cell arrays), which can be run without running the remainder of the script. This is not to be confused with cell arrays. A cell is a slice of script code that can be run individually. Code cells can exist created by double commenting, or using two %%. You can execute a cell past clicking the evaluate-cell push button

or the evaluate-jail cell-and-advance button



Organize the previous script file into cells. Execute the cells one at a time using cell manner.

Yous can turn cell mode off or on under Cell Disable Cell Mode.

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Developing Software for the Cortex-M Family

Trevor Martin , in The Designer's Guide to the Cortex-m Processor Family unit, 2013

Disassembly Window

As its proper name implies the disassembly window will show yous the low level assembler list interleaved with the high level "C" lawmaking list. One of the great attractions of the Cortex-M family unit is that all of your project code is written in a loftier level linguistic communication such as C\C++. You never demand to write depression level assembly routines. However, it is useful if you are able to "read" the low level assembly lawmaking to run into what the compiler is doing. The disassembly window shows the absolute accost of the current didactics; side by side the opcode is shown, which is either a 16- or a 32-bit instruction. The raw opcode is and then displayed every bit an assembler mnemonic. The electric current location of the plan counter is shown by the yellow arrow in the left hand margin. The dark gray blocks indicate the location of executable lines of lawmaking.

The source code window has a like layout as the disassembly window. This window only displays the loftier level C source lawmaking. The electric current location of the program counter is shown by the yellowish pointer in the left hand margin. The blue arrow shows the location of the cursor. Like the disassembly window, the dark greyness blocks point the location of executable lines of lawmaking. The source window allows y'all to have a number of projection modules open up. Each source module tin can be reached past clicking the tab at the top of the window.

The command window allows you to enter debugger commands to directly configure and control the debugger features. These commands tin also exist stored in a text file and executed as a script when the debugger starts.

Next to the command window is a group of watch windows. These windows permit y'all to view local variables, global variables, and the raw memory.

You can control execution of the lawmaking through icons on the toolbar. The code can exist a single stepped C or assembler line at a time, run at full speed and halted. The same commands are available through the debug menu, which besides shows the function key shortcuts that you may prefer.

First the code running for a few seconds and then press the halt icon.

Every bit code is executed in the simulator, the dark gray blocks adjacent to the line number volition plough greenish to indicate that they have been executed. This is a coverage monitor that allows y'all to verify that your programme is executing as expected. In Chapter viii, nosotros will meet how to get this information from a existent microcontroller.

Information technology is likely that you volition halt in a delay office. This is part of the application code that handles the LCD. Currently, the code is waiting for a handshake line to exist asserted from the LCD. However, in the simulation only the Cortex-M processor and the microcontroller peripherals are supported. Simulation for external hardware devices like an LCD module has to be created to match the target hardware. This is done through a script file that uses a C-similar language to simulate responses from the LCD.

Leave the debugger with the Start/Stop Debug Session choice.

Open the Options for Target dialog.

This can be done in the project carte du jour by correct clicking the project name and selecting Options for Target or by selecting the same option in the project carte from the main toolbar.

The Options for Target dialog holds all of the global project settings.

Now select the Debug tab.

The Debug menu is dissever into two halves. The simulator options are on the left and the hardware debugger is on the right. Currently, the Use Simulator pick is set.

Add the LCD simulation script.

Press the file explorer button and add the Dbg_sim.ini file, which is in the outset projection directory equally the debugger initialization file.

The script file uses a C-like linguistic communication to model the external hardware. All of the false microcontroller "pins" announced as virtual registers that can be read from and written to by the script. The debug script as well generates a imitation voltage for the ADC. The script for this is shown below. This generates a signal that ramps up and down and it is applied to the virtual register ADC1_IN1, which is channel 1 of ADC convertor ane. The twatch function reads the fake clock of the processor and halts the script for a specified number of cycles.

Bespeak void Analog (float limit) {

  float volts;

  printf ("Analog (%f) entered.\n", limit);

  while (one) {         /* forever */


    while (volts <= limit) {

      ADC1_IN1=volts;         /* analog input-ii */

      twatch (250000);         /* 250000 Cycles Time-Suspension */

      volts += 0.1;         /* increment voltage */



    while (volts >= 0.0) {


      twatch (250000);         /* 250000 Cycles Time-Intermission */

      volts -= 0.1;         /* decrease voltage */




Click OK to close the Options for Target dialog.

Start the debugger.

Gear up a breakpoint on the main while loop in blinky.c.

Yous can set a breakpoint by moving the mouse cursor into a nighttime grey block next to the line number and left clicking. A breakpoint is marked by a carmine dot.

Start executing the code.

With the simulation script in identify we will be able to execute all of the LCD code and reach the breakpoint.

At present spend a few minutes exploring the debugger run command.

Use the single pace commands, set a breakpoint, and showtime the simulator running at total speed. If yous lose what is going on, get out the debugger by selecting debug/start/stop the debugger and and then restart once again.

Add a variable to the watch window.

Once you lot take finished familiarizing yourself with the run control commands inside the debugger, locate the primary() part within blinky.c. Just to a higher place main() is the declaration for a variable called AD_DbgVal. Highlight this variable, right click, and select Add AD_DbgVal to Spotter ane.

Now first running the code and you volition be able to run into the ADC variable updating in the sentry window.

The simulation script is feeding a voltage to the simulated microcontroller ADC which in plow provides converted results to the application code.

At present add the same variable to the logic trace window.

The μVision debugger likewise has a logic trace feature that allows you to visualize the historical values of a given global variable. In the spotter window (or the source lawmaking window), highlight the AD_DbgVal variable name, right click, and select Add AD_DbgVal to Logic Analyzer.

If the logic analyzer window does not open automatically select it from the toolbar.

Now with the lawmaking running press the autoscale button, which volition set the minimum and maximum values, and also click the zoom out button to get to a reasonable time scale. Once this is done, y'all will be able to view a trace of the values stored in the AD_DbgVal variable. You can add together any other global variables or peripheral registers to the logic analyzer window.

At present view the state of the user peripherals.

The simulator has a model of the whole microcontroller not merely the Cortex-M processor, so it is possible to examine the state of the microcontroller peripherals direct.

Select Peripherals\General Purpose IO\GPIOB.

This will open a window that displays the current land of the microcontroller IO Port B. As the simulation runs, we tin can run across the country of the port pins. If the pins are configured every bit inputs, we can manually ready and articulate them by clicking the individual Pins boxes.

Y'all tin can do the same for the ADC past selecting ADC1.

When the lawmaking is running it is possible to see the current configuration of the ADC and the conversion results. Yous can too manually set the input voltage past entering a fresh value in the Analog Inputs boxes.

The simulator too provides a terminal that provides an I\O channel for the microcontroller's UARTS.

Select View\Series Windows\UART #1.

This opens a console-blazon window that displays the output from a selected UART and too allows you to input values.

The simulator also boasts some advanced analysis tools including trace, lawmaking coverage, and performance assay.

Open up the View\Trace carte du jour and select Trace Data and Enable Trace Recording.

This volition open the didactics trace window. This records a history of each instruction executed.

Pedagogy trace is extremely valuable when tracking down complex bugs and validating software. In Chapter eight, we volition run across how to get educational activity trace from a real microcontroller.

Now open the View/Analysis Windows/Code Coverage and View/Analysis Windows/Performance Analyzer windows.

The functioning analysis window shows the number of calls to a office and its cumulative runtime.

The lawmaking coverage window provides a digest of the number of lines executed and partially executed in each function.

Both code coverage and performance analysis are essential for validating and testing software. In Chapter 8, we will see how this data tin exist obtained from a real microcontroller.

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Script, function files, and some useful MATLAB® functions

Leonid Burstein , in Matlab® in Quality Assurance Sciences, 2015

Running a script file

To execute a script file:

Check the current MATLAB® folder; if the file is non in it, a directory with this file should be fix up as described to a higher place.

Type the file proper noun (without extension) in the Control Window and printing enter.

Then, in gild to run the thousand it is necessary to alter the current directory to the F:\MATLABforQASciences\Chapter_5_qa as described to a higher place, and to type and enter the file proper noun (without the g-extension) in the Control Window:

>   >   EditorExample % runs the script file with the name north   =   % EditorExample

The result of the sample size calculations using the commands that were saved in the script file and displayed in the Command Window.

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Python Basics

Qingkai Kong , ... Alexandre 1000. Bayen , in Python Programming and Numerical Methods, 2021 Three Ways to Run Python Lawmaking

At that place are different means to run Python code and they all accept different usages. This section will introduce the three unlike ways to get yous started.

Using the Python shell or IPython vanquish. The easiest fashion to run Python code is through the Python beat or IPython beat (which stands for Interactive Python). The IPython crush is more than powerful than the Python shell, including features such every bit Tab autocompletion, color-highlighted error messages, bones UNIX shell integration, and so on. Since nosotros've just installed IPython, allow us endeavour to run the "How-do-you-do World" example using it. To launch the IPython shell, nosotros begin past typing ipython in a last (encounter Fig. 1.half dozen). Then nosotros run a Python command by typing it into the crush and pressing Enter. We immediately see the results from the control. For instance, we tin can impress out "Hullo World" by using the print function in Python, as shown in Fig. i.6.

Figure 1.6

Figure 1.six. Run "Hullo World" in IPython shell by typing the command. "print" is a function that is discussed later in the book that will print out anything within the parentheses.

Run a Python script/file from the command line. The 2nd way to run Python code is to put all the commands into a file and save information technology equally a file with the extension .py; the extension of the file tin be anything, merely by convention, information technology is unremarkably .py. For example, use your favorite text editor (here we used Visual Studio Code 4 ) to type the commands you wish to execute in a file called, as shown in Fig., which is and then run from terminal (see Fig. i.8).

Figure 1.7

Figure 1.7. Example of a Python script file example using Visual Studio Code. Type in the commands you want to execute and save the file with a name.

Figure 1.8

Figure 1.8. To run the Python script from control line, type "python". This line tells Python to execute the commands that saved in this file.

Using Jupyter Notebook. The third style to run Python is through Jupyter Notebook, which is a very powerful browser-based Python environs. We will talk over this in details later in this affiliate. The example presented here is to demonstrate how speedily we can run the code using Jupyter notebook. If you type jupyter notebook in the terminal, a local web page will pop up; utilise the upper correct push to create a new Python3 notebook, as shown in Fig. ane.9.

Figure 1.9

Figure ane.9. To launch a Jupyter notebook server, blazon jupyter notebook in the command line, which volition open a browser page equally shown here. Click the "New" button on the top right and choose "Python3". This will create a Python notebook from which to run Python code.

Running code in Jupyter notebook is easy. Type your lawmaking in the cell and press Shift + Enter to run the jail cell; the results will be shown below the code (Fig. i.10).

Figure 1.10

Effigy 1.10. To run the How-do-you-do World example within Jupyter notebook, type the command in the code cell (the greyness boxes) and press Shift + Enter to execute information technology.

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Debugging with CoreSight

Trevor Martin , in The Designer'due south Guide to the Cortex-1000 Processor Family unit, 2013

Practice: Using the ETM Trace

Open the project in exercises\ETM.

Open the Options for Target\Debug menu.

Open the STM32_TP.ini initialization file.

This is the same script file that was used with the standard Ulink2 debugger. This time the TRACE_MODE has been set for 4-bit synchronous trace data. This will enable the ETM trace pipe and switch the external microcontroller pins from GPIO to debug pins.

At present press the ULINK Pro Settings button.

Select the Trace tab.

When the ULINK2 trace tool is connected, you have the option to enable the ETM trace. The unlimited trace pick allows you to stream every instruction executed to a file on your PC hard disk. The trace buffer is so only limited by the size of the PC hard disk. This makes information technology possible to trace the executed instructions for days if necessary, yes days.

Click OK to quit dorsum to the μVision editor.

Start the debugger.

Now the debugger has an boosted educational activity trace window.

In addition to the trace buffer the ETM also allows u.s. to show the lawmaking coverage information that was previously merely available in the simulator.

Similarly, timing information can be captured and displayed alongside the C lawmaking or equally a performance assay report.

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MATLAB® Functions

Munther Gdeisat , Francis Lilley , in Matlab by Instance, 2013

v.2.4.ii Calling a MATLAB® Role from a Script File

Y'all can call a office from a script file . The following instance shows you how to practice this.

Instance 1

Create the following script file:

a = 1;

b = 2;

c = add2(a,b)

Name the script file thousand . The script file calls the add2() office to add the variables a and b and assigns the result of their addition to a variable called c. Note the changes that occur in the Workspace window.

Note the following:


The local variables 10, y, and z of the add2() function practise not exist in the Workspace.

The call_add2.1000 script file is located in the same directory as the add2() function.

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MATLAB® Integrated Development Environs

Munther Gdeisat , Francis Lilley , in Matlab past Example, 2013

one.2.3 Saving a Script File

The next stride is to save the script file to a specific folder. Here we will create a folder called Lesson 2 , and we volition make information technology MATLAB'southward current binder. To perform this task, click on the icon

(indicated past the arrow in the following screenshot) and choose the location where yous would like to salve the folder Lesson two .

Click on Make New Folder. Change the name of the folder to Lesson ii . Click OK.

This creates a new folder called Lesson two and makes it the current folder for use by MATLAB every bit indicated past the arrow shown in the following screenshot.

Alternatively, you tin save your files to an existing binder. Navigate to a binder of your choice and set it to be the current folder for MATLAB.

The terminal footstep is to save the file. In the MATLAB Editor, get to Menu→File→Salve As. Blazon the file name; in this case blazon cat1.m and click Save.

The file that has merely been saved appears in the Current Folder window. In the following screenshot effigy, an arrow points to this file as it appears on the MATLAB Desktop.

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MATLAB® Debugging, Profiling, and Lawmaking Indentation

Munther Gdeisat , Francis Lilley , in Matlab by Example, 2013

Lesson viii.2 Debugging MATLAB® Functions


To larn how to debug both script files and functions.

To acquire how to use the Step In tool to debug functions.

To acquire how to use the Pace Out tool to run functions.



Debugging MATLAB® Functions

Creating a Script File to Call a Part


Creating a Function


Debugging the Function


Step In Tool


Step Out Tool

8.ii.1 Debugging MATLAB® Function

In Lesson 8.ane, you learned the basics of debugging a script Grand-file. In this lesson, we volition explain the steps involved in tracking down bugs in an M-file function.

The process of debugging a function is probably best explained by manner of an example. Hither we will effort to write a office to calculate the factorial of a number, and we will name this function factorialN. The factorial of a number due north is defined every bit

n ! = n × ( n i ) × ( due north ii ) × ( northward 3 ) ( 3 ) × ( 2 ) × ( 1 )

The factorial of the number ane is one by definition.

The factorial of ii is two×one=ii.

The factorial of 3 is 3×2×1=half-dozen, and so on. Creating a Script File to Phone call a Office

In order to debug a part, it must start exist called from a script K-file. Then, in this example chore we should write two M-files: the first is a script Grand-file whose purpose is to telephone call the part, and the second is an K-file containing the factorial part itself.

Launch MATLAB. Create a new Thousand-file for the script file that will actually telephone call the function. To create an M-file go to Menu→File→New→Script. Type the following code in the file editor. Choose a suitable name for the file, as yous learned how to do in Lesson ane.2, and then save it. For example, we shall choose the name callfun.m .

%This script file calls the factorialN function

articulate; clc;

due north = 3;

factorial_of_n = factorialN(north)

eight.ii.1.ii Creating a Function

At present create a new Thou-file for the factorialN function. Blazon the post-obit lawmaking in the Yard-file. Save the file with the name factorialN.m .

%This part calculates the factorial of the number n

part fact_of_n = factorialN(north)

fact_of_n = 0;

for i=2:n

fact_of_n = fact_of_n * i;



Save both the script file callfun.m and the function file factorialN.k in the aforementioned folder.

8.2.1.iii Debugging the Function

Run the script One thousand-file callfun.yard . The results of running this script M-file should exist an output value of vi, the factorial of 3, where 3!=3×2×one. The bodily consequence is as shown, and you volition note that it is not as expected.

factorial _ of _ due north = 0

So what is the mistake that nosotros have made here? Let us go along to debug our program in a step-by-step manner.

Get to the file callfun.m . Gear up a Breakpoint at line 3 of the code as shown, in the aforementioned manner that was explained in the previous lesson.

To start the debugging process, on the keyboard, printing F5, which is the short-cut key for Run.

To stride to line 4, press F10, which is the short-cutting cardinal for Step.

viii.2.i.three.ane Step In Tool

The MATLAB debugger has the ability to rails bugs inside functions. To step into the factorialN function, go to Card→Debug→Step In.

An alternative way to step inside the function is to press the curt-cut cardinal F11 on the keyboard.

MATLAB goes to the factorialN.yard file and stops before executing the first control in the factorialN function, which is line iv here equally shown in the post-obit figure.

Press F10 to execute the command in line iv. To bank check the value of the variable fact_of_n, first highlight the variable using the mouse, correct-click, and then cull Evaluate Option.

MATLAB displays the value of the fact_of_n variable in its Command Window every bit shown.

Printing F10 to Step and enter the for loop. To execute the kickoff command inside the loop, press F10 again. Cheque the content of the fact_of_n variable. You should find that, unexpectedly, it is still 0. However, the content of the variable should be 2. This is because the value of the fact_of_n variable at line 4 is initially prepare to 0. The value of the fact_of_n variable should accept been set to one if the program is going to work properly. This is because if we multiply whatever number by 0 it will always produce a result of 0.

Now leave MATLAB'south debug fashion. To exercise this, become to Carte du jour→Debug→Exit Debug Manner.

Go to line 4 of the factorialN part and change the value of the fact_of_n variable from 0 to ane. Salve the M-file role.

Go to the callfun.m file once more and press F5 to run the file. Press F10 to execute the command in line 3. Printing F11 to stride inside the factorialN role.

Press F10 until MATLAB executes the command in line 6 within the factorialN function. Check the content of the fact_of_n variable. It at present has a value of 2 as expected and the code in this line so corresponds to values of 2×i. Step Out Tool

It seems that the program now works correctly and every bit expected. To run the function all together in a single step, go to Menu→Debug→Step Out.

This executes the rest of the commands in the factorialN function and returns the command to the callfun.m file. This script file now produces the output which would be expected.

factorial _ of _ n = 0

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Advanced Layers

Elliot Gindis , in Up and Running with AutoCAD 2015, 2014

12.2 Script Files

A script, in most general terms, is simply a text file with one control on each line. Its purpose is to automate a sequence of commands when executed. Information technology is possibly the simplest type of programming you can exercise. All you need is a text editor (such equally Notepad). You lot next list the commands y'all want the script to become through, ane per line. Then y'all save information technology under a proper noun and an .scr extension (e.g., MyScript.scr), close the file, and run information technology from AutoCAD'southward command line by typing in script and pressing Enter (alternatively via the Ribbon's Manage tab→Run Script). The Script dialog box appears, the script is double-clicked on (executed), information technology does its thing, and if y'all got the control sequence correct, a short job is automatically performed.

Scripts are mostly not used equally much at present for purposes of layer control as they once were, simply nosotros briefly cover them considering knowing how they perform gives y'all insight into the other remaining tools. It is also a good skill to have overall. You can automate a variety of AutoCAD routines. It may be worth your time to read upwardly on farther script file details in the Help files, as we do non go too much in depth here.

We present a very simple instance of a script file. It freezes all layers afterward first thawing them and setting 0 every bit the current layer. Every bit scripts exercise not work with dialog boxes, everything has to be command-line driven, such as this version of the layer command (generally any commands that are preceded by a hyphen [-] go to the command line, bypassing whatever dialog boxes). After the -layer is a set of answers to prompts: t means thaw, * means all, south ways set, and f means freeze. This exactly answers everything AutoCAD asks for if you were to do this past manus at the command line. The last ii keystrokes () are Enter and Enter.








This reads as Layer, Thaw, All, Set, 0, Freeze, All, Enter, Enter. Try this out with an AutoCAD file that has a bunch of layers. In a real application, you of course have to manually blazon in the layers deemed not relevant to the item state (which therefore demand to be frozen) in place of the last * and earlier the two Enters. The steps prior to that (t, *, s, 0) are necessary in case a layer that needs to be frozen is set to current (you cannot freeze the current layer), then the 0 layer is set up every bit current.

This was a lengthy process and is the main reason why script files gradually brutal out of favor, replaced by the Layer State Manager for layer command, as shown side by side. Keep in listen, still, that the Layer State Managing director (LSM) works in pretty much the aforementioned way, except y'all select layers and do everything graphically through the Layers dialog box. Now that you lot have read through the underlying theory, we can rapidly go through the functions of the LSM.

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